Envelopes ========= Mailing for human beings. About ----- Envelopes is a wrapper for Python's *email* and *smtplib* modules. It aims to make working with outgoing e-mail in Python simple and fun. Short example ------------- .. sourcecode:: python from envelopes import Envelope, GMailSMTP envelope = Envelope( from_addr=(u'from@example.com', u'From Example'), to_addr=(u'to@example.com', u'To Example'), subject=u'Envelopes demo', text_body=u"I'm a helicopter!" ) envelope.add_attachment('/Users/bilbo/Pictures/helicopter.jpg') # Send the envelope using an ad-hoc connection... envelope.send('smtp.googlemail.com', login='from@example.com', password='password', tls=True) # Or send the envelope using a shared GMail connection... gmail = GMailSMTP('from@example.com', 'password') gmail.send(envelope) Features -------- Envelopes allows you to easily: * Provide e-mail addresses with or without name part. * Set text, HTML or both bodies according to your needs. * Provide any number of CC and BCC addresses. * Set standard (e.g. ``Reply-To``) and custom (e.g. ``X-Mailer``) headers. * Attach files of any kind without hassle. * Use any charset natively supported by Python's *unicode* type in addresses, bodies, headers and attachment file names. More examples ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 examples/celery examples/flask Project status -------------- This project should be considered **beta**. Proceed with caution if you decide to use Envelopes in production. Envelopes has been developed and tested with Python 2.7. Currently, Envelopes supports Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3. Author ------ Envelopes is developed by `Tomasz Wójcik `_. License ------- Envelopes is licensed under the MIT License. Source code and issues ---------------------- Source code is available on GitHub at: `tomekwojcik/envelopes `_. To file issue reports and feature requests use the project's issue tracker on GitHub. API Documentation ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api/envelope api/conn api/connstack